Contact Kitten Lady
Thank you for your interest in contacting Hannah Shaw! Due to the volume of communications she receives, she is unable to respond to individual cat-related inquiries.
If you're looking for information about kitten care, take a look at Kitten Lady's written resources and instructional videos, which are available free of charge.
If you have a specific question, you can check out Hannah's upcoming events to see if there is a workshop near you, or submit a question for her Ask Kitten Lady video series. Otherwise, please note that Hannah cannot respond to individual messages, but does offer occasional online Q&As, where you can tune in and ask questions live on her YouTube!
If you're interested in contacting Hannah's 501c3 nonprofit organization, please visit Orphan Kitten Club.
Snail Mail
Want to send snail mail? Hannah receives mail at:
Kitten Lady
PO Box 623 Spring Valley, CA 91976
Hannah truly does her best to respond to letters when time allows! However, sending mail does not guarantee that you will receive mail in return.
If you have a book-related inquiry, please contact Myrsini Stephanides* at
Business and Brand Partnerships
If you have a business or brand-related inquiry, please contact Katie Baral* at
Media and Publicity
If you’re a member of the media, please contact Emily Canders* at and Hannah Poole* at
If you’re interested in booking an event with Kitten Lady, please contact
*Please note that Myrsini, Katie, Emily, Hannah and Toni do not answer questions about cats; please only contact them with inquiries related to their area of work. Thanks for understanding!